As of July 1, 2024, the Center for Social Innovation has merged with the former ICSD to form the new Center for Community Solutions. We sincerely thank you for your support over the years, and invite you to visit the new Center's website at:

Community Engagement and Policy Innovation

The Center for Social Innovation provides a credible research voice that spurs civic leadership and policy innovation. Its reputation is built on the key pillars of social science, strategic policy awareness, innovation mindsets, and deep community partnerships. CSI integrates researchers, community organizations, and civic stakeholders in collaborative projects and long-term partnerships that strengthen shared values of resilience, inclusion, sustainability, and equity (RISE). Importantly, the Center seeks to shift away from a “problem” narrative to an “opportunity” narrative for marginalized communities and localities.

The Center for Social Innovation focuses on five key areas: Civic Engagement, Economic Mobility, Immigrant Integration, Leadership & Entrepreneurship, and Place Making. Specific to our work in Inland Southern California, our activities in collaborative research, policy innovation, and narrative change are aimed to more fully realize the region’s potential in terms of its civic activities, philanthropic investments, and growing nonprofit sector.

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