Center for Social Innovation

Our Events
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Past Events
IE 2030: Strategies and Commitments
On May 22nd for the IE 2030 session, we discussed Strategies and Commitments for the IE 2030 Vision and Roadmap project. As we continue to work towards our vision of a more equitable, sustainable, and thriving Inland Empire, it is essential to identify actionable strategies and make commitments to implement them.
In this session, we build upon the solutions generated by our community members and connect them to our vision statements and values. We discussed ways to prioritize and implement these solutions and identify potential barriers and challenges that we may face in the process.
This session was an opportunity to engage in thoughtful and productive discussions with fellow community members and leaders and to contribute to shaping the future of the Inland Empire.
What is IE 2030? The IE 2030 project is a comprehensive and collaborative initiative that aims to create a shared vision for the future of the Inland Empire, and to develop a comprehensive action plan to achieve that vision.
Who is involved? The project involves a partnership between government agencies, private businesses, community organizations, nonprofits, and citizens to address the challenges and opportunities facing the region.
How can I get Involved? The IE 2030 project is driven by a commitment to collaboration and partnership between diverse stakeholders. Your voice matters and we need your input as we work to shape the future of the Inland Empire, ensuring that the region remains a vibrant, sustainable, and equitable place to live and work for years to come.
IE 2030 Vision and Roadmap: Solutions Session
On April 13th for the IE 2030 "Solutions" Session, we discussed policy solutions and ideas for the IE 2030 Vision and Roadmap project. This session explored the feasibility of proposed policies, including political, economic, technical, and administrative feasibility. We welcomed experts from diverse backgrounds to share their insights and recommendations on potential policy solutions that can help shape the future of the Inland Empire. This event was held virtually via Zoom and was open to anyone interested in positively impacting our community.
What is IE 2030? The IE 2030 project is a comprehensive and collaborative initiative that aims to create a shared vision for the future of the Inland Empire, and to develop a comprehensive action plan to achieve that vision.
Who is involved? The project involves a partnership between government agencies, private businesses, community organizations, nonprofits, and citizens to address the challenges and opportunities facing the region.
How can I get Involved? The IE 2030 project is driven by a commitment to collaboration and partnership between diverse stakeholders. Your voice matters and we need your input as we work to shape the future of the Inland Empire, ensuring that the region remains a vibrant, sustainable, and equitable place to live and work for years to come.
Inland Empire Antiracist Summit
Center for Social Innovation at UCR is excited to extend an invitation to you for the "Inland Empire Antiracist Summit," a crucial event dedicated to dismantling systemic racism and promoting social justice in our community.
This Summit will bring together activists, organizers, educators, and community members to discuss strategies for creating a more inclusive and equitable society. We will have a range of keynote speakers, panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals.
Date: 03/21/2023
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: (Zoom link included)
We believe that your participation will make a significant contribution to the success of this event. We value your unique perspective and hope that you will join us in this important conversation.
Please RSVP at your earliest convenience by March 21st to confirm your attendance. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at [].
Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to seeing you at the Inland Empire Antiracist Summit!
IE 2030 Vision & Roadmap: Visioning Session
The IE 2030 Vision & Roadmap: Visioning Session was the first event in a series in which diverse stakeholders came together to develop a shared vision for the future of the Inland Empire, through a variety of exercises and discussions.
What is IE 2030? The IE 2030 project was a comprehensive and collaborative initiative that aimed to create a shared vision for the future of the Inland Empire, and to develop a comprehensive action plan to achieve that vision.
Who is involved? The project involved a partnership between government agencies, private businesses, community organizations, nonprofits, and citizens who addressed the challenges and opportunities facing the region.
How can I get involved? The IE 2030 project was driven by a commitment to collaboration and partnership between diverse stakeholders. Your voice mattered and we needed your input as we worked to shape the future of the Inland Empire, ensuring that the region remained a vibrant, sustainable, and equitable place to live and work for years to come.
Southern California Youth Futures Summit
This regional summit built on California 100’s work on bringing together passionate student leaders, campus activists, and youth community partners from regions across the state to workshop a series of youth vision manifestos for the future, developed calls to action that inspired a growing network of young California futurists, and co-designed a celebratory Youth Summit planned for March 2023 on the Capitol lawn in Sacramento. Young Californians were essential to enacting meaningful change as they envisioned a more vibrant future for their next century.
Purpose: This summit welcomed youth, college students, and young people from across the Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties) to come together to:
- build connections,
- organize for local advocacy,
- uplift achievements and initiatives,
- and create a “youth manifesto” that uplifted their vision for the future
Activities: The summit featured guest speakers, youth-led workshops, food, games, music, art, campus tours, a resource fair, and connections with local leaders and nonprofits.
Volunteer Opportunity: We were seeking volunteers to assist with setting up, managing registrants, facilitating workshops, and supporting other event tasks.
IE Data Summit: Environment, Climate, & Energy
This continuing series of events showcased research findings from across our region and provided data tool demonstrations for novice and expert data users to learn from.
Confirmed Speakers:
Research Showcase:
Gary Rettberg, MPP, Research Manager, Center for Social Innovation
Contact Information: @CSIUCR
Susan Phillips, PhD, Professor of Environmental Analysis, Associate Dean, Pitzer College, Director Robert Redford Conservancy for Southern California Sustainability
Contact Information:
Report: A Region in Crisis, the Rationale for a Public Health State of Emergency in the Inland Empire
Chris Gray, Deputy Executive Director, Western Riverside Council of Governments
Contact Information:
Report: San Bernardino County Vulnerability Assessment and the Western Riverside Adaptation and Resiliency Strategy: Part 1 Vulnerability Assessment
Francesca Hopkins, PhD, Assistant Professor of Climate Change and Sustainability, Department of Environmental Sciences, UCR
Contact Information:
Report: Reductions in California’s Urban Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Jeff Mosher, General Manager, Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority
Contact Information:
Thomas Hile, PhD Candidate, Earth and Biological Sciences, School of Medicine, Loma Linda University, and Nataly Escobedo Garcia, MA, Policy Coordinator - Water Programs, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability
Contact Information: |
Report: Assessment of tap water quality in mobile homes in Eastern Coachella Valley, California
Jaime Alonso, Executive Director, GRID Alternatives Inland Empire, GRID Alternatives IE 2022 Impact Report
Contact Information:
Data Tool Demonstrations:
Confirmed Speakers: PhD, Air Quality Specialist, Planning, Rule Development and Implementation, SCAQMD
Tool: MATES V Data Visualization Tool
Confirmed Speakers: MD, MSHS, Professor of Medicine and Public Health, Director UCLA Center for Public Health and Disasters, Co-Director, UCLA Center for Healthy Climate Solutions (C-Solutions) Tool: UCLA Heat Maps
Shruti Mukhtyar, MS, Web Application Developer, Geospatial Innovation Facility, UC Berkeley
Tool: Cal-Adapt
IE Data Summit: Health and Well-Being
This continuing series of events showcased research findings from across our region and provided a data tool demonstration for novice and expert data users to learn from.
Confirmed Speakers: Jasmine Hutchinson, MPSH, Director of Community Benefit and Associate Director of Institute for Community Partnerships, Loma Linda University Hospital, 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment, Helen Dowling, MPH, Director of Data Initiatives, Public Health Alliance of Southern California, Health Places Index
Time: Wed, November 2, 2022, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM PDT
Location: Online
We Belong, IE Freedom Summer
About: Young people have a lot at stake when it comes to the future of their communities and our democracy as a whole. The COVID-19 pandemic, recent movements for racial justice, and climate disasters have heightened the urgency to ensure that young people play an active, informed role in decision-making processes that have serious consequences for our collective future.
Workshops: The workshops will focus on voter and labor rights, youth organizing, education, formerly incarcerated you, media, and basic needs. Over the course of the summer, leaders and their team members engaged youth on local issues and amplified youth civic engagement across the region. Specifically, CFS is partnering with colleges, universities, and local non-profits to host this daylong youth empowerment conference. *Detailed agenda will be shared soon
Time: Oct 1, 2022 9:00am - 4:00pm
Location: UCR Student Success Center
Contact: Fatima Nelson , Eric Calderon
IE Innovation Homecoming
The Inland Empire is a land of innovation, and much of that innovation centers around the people who were born and raised in the region. Some of our innovators have made a name for themselves in the region, while many others have distinguished themselves in other parts of the state or across the country.
What if we had an alumni reception for our innovators, not for any particular high school or university, but for the entire region? Join us as we welcome back and celebrate our alumni entrepreneurs and innovators at the inaugural Inland Empire Innovation Homecoming!
This event is an opportunity to recognize and showcase alumni from the Inland Empire who have had an impact in the field of innovation. Although we will not be crowning a “king” and “queen” at this homecoming, we will be awarding outstanding innovators and entrepreneurs in different categories. We will do so through a comprehensive nominations process, enlisting the help of institutions, alumni, and professional networks.
Power of the American Community Survey: Strategies for State-Level Engagement
In 2020, Minnesota was able to retain a Congressional seat by the narrowest of margins (by only 26 people!). This victory was built on six years of stakeholder engagement and strategic organizing.
Join us for a webinar on March 30, to learn more about the Minnesota model, and how your state or community can better organize around the American Community Survey—in order to ensure adequate federal funding today, and to build a more solid foundation for a successful Census count in 2030.
In addition to the Minnesota case, we will hear from early and promising efforts to organize the business community in Florida, the Asian American community in Nevada, and Native American and AAPI communities across the country.
Equity in Higher Education-A Regional Capacity Building Report
In the United States, the historical legacies of slavery and the contemporary manifestations of racial segregation and discrimination have led to deep inequities in higher education. These inequities are persistent and pervasive, throughout the state of California and within sub-regions like the Inland Empire as well. As a state with immense cultural and population diversity, there are many organizations working to promote greater equity in higher education for historically marginalized and under-resourced communities. There are several important partnerships and collaboratives, including those focused on collective impact, involving leaders and administrators across educational and workforce systems.
This report focuses on the advocacy infrastructure and network in the higher education equity space, using the Inland Empire region as a case study. We explore the relationship between state level advocacy and regional efforts including coalition networks, coordinated activity, capacity building, and effective regional implementation. The report includes quantitative data analysis from a variety of sources to get a baseline understanding of equity in higher education in California and its sub-regions.
Join us on Friday, February 25, at 11 AM (PST) via Zoom for a preview of the report's findings along with a moderated panel discussion with regional leaders.
Inland Empire Innovation Showcase
The Inland Empire is a region full of innovation. Please join us on Thursday, January 13, at 10 am as we highlight local innovators and entrepreneurs at the first ever Inland Empire Innovation Showcase! This event is an opportunity for regional stakeholders to present exciting new projects and initiatives that encourage innovation and support the larger IE innovation ecosystem. This event will be an opportunity to celebrate both the new year and the exciting and innovative projects and initiatives in the Inland Empire. This event is part of a larger effort by the Center for Social Innovation at UC Riverside to help grow and strengthen the local innovation ecosystem and economy.
The event will include presentations from several regional innovation-related organizations. The goal of the event is to showcase a selection of innovative and dynamic assets the region has, as well as spurring further discussion on how partners can better align innovation ecosystem work.
Census Legacies - American Community Survey Educational Workshop
Did you know special Census data about your community—from poverty, education, workforce, transportation, housing, and health—is underfunded and at risk of getting defunded?
This past October 20, 2021 at the info session, Census Legacies-State/Local Strategies for a Stronger, we learned about the American Community Survey (ACS) and how this one-of-a-kind Census survey is the only source of data on that information. ACS data is also vital to civic and voting rights, public investments, community development, philanthropy, and the business community to name a few. You can find the recording of the event on CSI’s YouTube channel or visit
You will discover that this precious data is underfunded, under-resourced, and at risk of being lost. Can you imagine a world without ACS data?! (see slide below, red is Census Decennial Data and black is ACS Data) This is the data that contains your story, but only you can find what is relevant in this universe of information, and only you can breathe life into it so it can tell your community’s story.
During this meeting, you will learn how to easily access Census, ACS, and other data tools that can help guide and elevate your work. The data explored will help you and your staff better understand where to start looking for data to strengthen your grant writing, advocacy, and connection to other community stakeholders.
We look forward to learning alongside all of you, please RSVP here or at We welcome leaders and stakeholders from business, philanthropy, community organizations, government agencies, and state legislatures to attend.
Building Back Better: Tools and Methods for a More Inclusive Recovery
The Center for Social Innovation at UC Riverside, along with the Institute for Social Transformation at UC Santa Cruz and Alianza Coachella Valley, will be hosting Building Back Better: Tools and Methods for a More Inclusive Recovery on Thursday, October 21 starting at Noon PT.
The event will include a panel discussion with experts on the different types of tools and methods that are available to help build a more inclusive economic recovery. In addition, the conversation will be informed by a joint policy brief that will be released, which draws on the collaborative work with UCSC and Alianza in the Salton Sea region (including prospects for lithium extraction and battery manufacturing). The brief also draws on Manuel Pastor and Chris Benner’s forthcoming book on Solidarity Economics and the Center for Social Innovation’s RISE and Ready framework that lays out pragmatic indicators to track progress on resilience, inclusion, sustainability, equity.
The goal of this event is to help inform and ultimately transform the way we think about inclusive economic development at the local, state, and national level.
Census Legacies - State/Local Strategies for a Stronger ACS and Census
Did you know that 2020 data on your community—from poverty, education, workforce, transportation, housing, and health—are at risk?
Given low response rates during the pandemic, the U.S. Census Bureau will only be able to release experimental estimates from the 2020 American Community Survey. These will be released in November 2021, for "a limited number of data tables for limited geographies."
More generally, funding for the all-important ACS is at risk, and low response rates present a problem in many states, particularly in rural areas, Native communities, and communities of color.
What can states and localities do about this important problem?
Join us on October 20, to find out what is already happening, and how your state and locality can get involved. We welcome leaders and stakeholders from business, philanthropy, community organizations, government agencies, and state legislatures to attend.
Good Jobs in the Inland Empire Report Release
What does a ‘good job’ mean to you? The Good Jobs in the Inland Empire report, offers concrete data on the state of good jobs in the Inland Empire with an eye on inclusive economic recovery. The report analyzes the state of good jobs in the Inland Empire, both before and after the height of the pandemic. It also starts the conversation around the definition of a ‘good job’ and support for an inclusive economic recovery for the region. This report is part of a larger effort that CSI-UCR has undertaken, including inclusive economic recovery work with SCAG and the local innovation ecosystem. The full report will be available the day of the release event, and we are pleased to send an embargoed draft one week prior
Rebuilding better is critical not only for recovery, but also for long-term sustainability and resilience in the Inland Empire. This report helps to inform and provide the data needed to pursue a resilient, inclusive, sustainable, and equitable recovery that will take more time and resources than typical past efforts to restore local economies. Our region has the opportunity to not only invest and strengthen good jobs, but to do so with essential values helping us to rebuild smarter, more sustainable, more resilient, and with more justice.
TIME: Thursday, September 9 at 10:30 am (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link email from Eventbrite after you register.
SoCal Policy Forum: Clean Energy Future for Southern California
With climate change as a major concern and with the policy priorities of both federal & state government, Southern California is poised to chart a different economic future with clean energy and transportation as the driving force.
What do these aspirations look like in practice? What are the key initiatives already underway? What more needs to be done? And what kind of investments need to be made to make this a reality?
Join an esteemed panel of state and local experts on Thursday, June 24, at 2 pm to learn more about California’s current state of clean energy and what we can expect the future to hold.
Date: Thursday, June 24, 2021 from 2 PM - 3:30 PM (PDT)
How Will the Next Census Data Release Affect California Representation?
Join us on April 26th as we discuss the upcoming release of Census 2020 data, the quality of the data, and likely impacts on our Congressional representation and the need of redistricting. We will also discuss how the state, local governments, philanthropy, and various community partners can get better prepared for the 2030 Census, with meaningful steps to take each year.
Speakers include Assemblymember Marc Berman, Chair of the California Assembly Select Committee on the Census, Hans Johnson from the Public Policy Insitute of California (PPIC), Tara Westman from the California Endowment, and John Dobard from the Advancement Project (pending).
DATE: Monday, April 26, 2021 at 12:00pm (PST)
*Zoom link & agenda to be shared a few days prior to the event
Leveraging AAPI State and Federal Policy Change
Public attention and policy responses to the tragic murders in Atlanta and other hate incidents have demonstrated the resilience and civic power of community. However, many AAPI communities still struggle to navigate the health and economic impacts of COVID-19. There is a pressing need to bridge policy gaps and missed connections.
It is time to develop and move a joint policy agenda that connects federal, state, and local work so that victories at any level builds momentum for all.
Join us on Wednesday, April 21 at 4pm ET / 1pm PT, as we bring together policy leaders, policy advocates, and commissioners from state and federal levels to jointly strategize on how we can best SUPPORT and LEVERAGE each other’s efforts in this critical time.
Important priority areas include health equity, economic relief, data equity, language access, and investments in community organizations.
WHEN: Wednesday April 21, 4pm ET / 1pm PT
WHO: Commissioners, legislators, government agencies, and policy advocates from state and federal levels
Tri-County Community Partnership: Interfaith Summit
The Tri-County Interfaith Partnership invites you to join a historical event where faith leaders from across the region unite their voices and bring hope to our communities. Considered some of the most trusted neighborhood messengers, faith leaders play a vital role in helping people overcome vaccine hesitancy and feel safe in taking the vaccination.
Equity is at the core of this partnership, ensuring that we support smaller faith-based groups that are often volunteer-based, and carry the spiritual load of grieving families, while simultaneously providing assistance to their community needs, such as vaccine access and support. These faith-based organizations, located in some of the most underserved regions, are usually left behind.
Our event will explore some key themes:
- The role of faith leaders as some of the most trusted messengers who can influence followers to overcome hesitancy and take vaccines.
- The Importance of a diverse group of health experts that represent our communities' demographics and can relate COVID-19 messaging in a culturally-relevant way.
- The resources and tools, such as messaging, available to help faith leaders.
- The success of partnering with county officials in ensuring vulnerable populations have the connections they need to access vaccines.The intersection of people with disabilities and people of faith, particularly when it comes to seniors in communities of color.
We also extend this invitation to philanthropy, government, and other community partners that can support faith-based organizations in our region.
Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 3:30 pm (PST)
*Zoom Link and Agenda to be sent via email prior to event
State of Civic Engagement in the Inland Empire Report Release
Civic engagement and participation are essential building blocks of representative democracy.Learn more about representation, voting, and other forms of civic participation in the Inland Empire. A panel discussion with community experts will dive deeper into the data and issues related to civic engagement in the I.E.
Location: 900 University Avenue INTS 1113, Riverside, CA 92521
2021 Inland Empire Policy Summit
The Inland Empire, which includes all of Riverside and San Bernardino counties, is home to 4.5 million residents and has been built on decades of rapid population growth, job growth, and racial diversification. These trends present both challenges and opportunities for inclusive upward mobility, with housing, transportation, and economic development as key concerns. Additionally, the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic have exacerbated the inequities historically disenfranchised communities in our region face.
We see these challenges as opportunities for our region to recover and build back with equity and inclusion as our core values. To aid in setting this agenda for the region, we are conveying a Policy Summit specifically on inclusive and sustainable economic development. This summit ties into both regional work already underway (IERS SCAG), and efforts to build back better at the state and federal levels. Details of this summit are below:
We are structuring the summit as a series of brainstorming sessions, with key deliverables that include:
- raising awareness and providing coherence to various strategic initiatives in the region,
- produce a document on shared values across initiatives and sectors
- introduce frameworks and standardized indicators to measure economic mobility, inclusion, sustainability, and equity
We are looking for your best thoughts on advancing inclusion, sustainability, and racial equity with respect to the following topics:
- Civic Infrastructure
- Economic Development
- Education Equity
- Health Equity
- Housing and Community Development
- Transportation and Environment
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 8 am (PST)
*Zoom Link and Agenda to be sent via email prior to event
Climate Change: Navigating the Challenges of a Perpetual Fire Season
Don’t miss this timely and informative presentation on a important topic that concerns us ALL!
Discussions will center on providing practical approaches to wildfires, identifying problems and focusing on immediate and long term solutions. Panelists will include a mix of regional fire department officials along with representatives from local government and community development organizations.
Keynote speaker: Secretary Wade Crowfoot, National Resource Agency
Date: Thursday, April 8, 2021, 1:00 - 2:30 PM (PST)
Questions or comments:
Census 2020 in the IE: Get Informed and Get Involved
"What is happening with 2020 Census outreach? And how can I get involved and make a difference?" You may be asking yourself these questions, as you hear news stories about the risks of a possible undercount in our region, and the millions of community dollars at stake.Join us at an important regional briefing to kick off 2020, with updates from the Counties of Riverside and San Bernardino, Inland Empire Community Foundation, Inland Empowerment.
Location: On Zoom
When: Thu, March 12, 2020 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM PDT
Free Redistricting Workshop: Mapping, Demographics, & the Law
District lines have enormous power. Redistricting can keep people with common interests, identity, language, and history bundled together so they can effectively advocate for themselves and make their voices heard in local affairs. Or it can gerrymander them and silence their voices. Where lines are drawn helps determine who wins elections and, in turn, which communities have representation and what laws or policies are passed.
Join us for a one-hour webinar that shares the federal and state law that govern redistricting processes for city councils, county boards of supervisors, and school districts. We will also provide demonstrations of two simple tech tools meant to help community members and organizations draw maps for submission in local redistricting processes.
Date: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 @ 2:00 pm (PST)
*Zoom Link and Agenda to be sent via email prior to the event
Safe and Healthy Workplaces Stakeholder & Design Session
This stakeholder listening & design session invites stakeholders to help co-design solutions that create safer workplaces, that both protect workers and grow our economy in a sustainable and responsible manner.
State agencies will join us, and we welcome the participation of local government agencies, businesses, labor and worker groups, and community/nonprofit partners.
Time: Monday, November 9, 2020 at 2:00 PM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link email from Eventbrite after you register.
Stockton and Beyond: Empowering Youth Governance in Inland California
What happens when youth are not only empowered to speak up, but to govern?
The California Endowment, Center for Social Innovation-UCR, and Philanthropy California invite you to a conversation featuring Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs, California Endowment CEO Dr. Robert K. Ross, and young leaders from Inland California
On the occasion of the release of the HBO Documentary Stockton on My Mind, come learn how investing in youth can help address the twin pandemics of our time: COVID-19 and systemic racism.
Time: Tuesday, August 25, 2020 at 10:00 AM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link after you register below.
SoCal Policy Forum
This forum, the second in a series traveling across Southern California, will focus on the pressing issue of poverty, with expert opinion that is grounded in evidence and experience. SoCal Policy Forum (SPF) is a partnership of Southern California News Group and the Center for Social Innovation at UC Riverside, in collaboration with a range of leaders and institutions across Southern California. SPF is a platform that regularly convenes policy experts in Southern California on timely issues that can better engage and inform the larger public.
Location: Sisters of St Joseph of Orange, Mother Louis Room
When: Thursday, January 30, 2020 6pm to 8pm
Inland Empire Innovation Ecosystem Report Launch
The Inland Empire Innovation Ecosystem Report (IE-squared) is an action-oriented report that includes a history of innovation in the region, plus contemporary qualitative and quantitative data. The report takes a deep dive into the local innovation ecosystem, exploring different aspects and components.
There will also be a comprehensive directory of innovation incubators and accelerators in the region. In addition, we will develop an “innovation ready” framework involving jurisdictions, firms, and educational institutions in the region. After the report is completed there will be a multi-faceted marketing campaign, with the goal of both attracting investors and opportunities from within the region, but also reaching out to funders looking to be impactful in the Inland Empire.
- Inland Empire Growth and Opportunity provides a roadmap for economic and workforce development connected with middle-skill jobs that don’t require a college degree
- The Inland Empire has significant assets in innovation-related enterprises, jobs, R&D, and other activities, but this information has not been compiled in a comprehensive manner
- In addition to compelling providing a compelling narrative and comprehensive guide to innovation sector-related assets in the region, we have the opportunity to innovate in the designation of “innovation champion” jurisdictions and institutions
To learn more about the Center for Social Innovation and our continuing research, please visit our website:
Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 10:00 am (PST)
*Zoom Link and Agenda to be sent via email prior to the event
State of Education Equity in the Inland Empire: Report Release
Please join us for the "State of Education Equity in the Inland Empire" report release on September 30th.
This report takes a deep dive into education equity in the region and utilizes both quantative data and in-depth interviews with local experts. The report analyzes data at each education level, and includes detailed maps.
Please join us as we take you through the data. While the report does highlighting areas of improvement, it also lifts up regional partners that are facilitating real change in education.
Date: September 30th, 2020 at 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link email from Eventbrite after you register.
Inland Empire Learning Session: The Power of Social Enterprise (101)
There is a significant movement underway in Southern California, where employers, government agencies, and funders are creating job opportunities that put community members on a meaningful path to improve their lives. Some of these members have served time in prison, others face developmental disabilities, and others are youth from neighborhoods that many have given up on.
This is the power of social enterprise! To bring a business mindset and business partnerships to produce social impact—that lifts up the most disadvantaged among us, and strengthens our community and economy in the process.
Time: Monday, June 22, 2020 at 12:00 PM (PDT)
2021 Presidential Inauguration: Reflections from UCR Leaders and Experts
Join us this upcoming Wednesday, January 20th, 2021 at 12pm for a panel discussion on the significance of the Biden-Harris Inauguration and where we go from here.
Experts and leaders at UC Riverside will offer reflections of the unfortunate events that occurred at the Capitol, expectations around the Biden-Harris Administration, and overall thoughts of what this moment really means for the state of our country. We will also have remarks by the Hon. Mark Takano.
Time: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at 12:00 PM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link email from Eventbrite after you register.
Funder Convening: Vaccine Equity, Trusted Messengers & Civic Infrastructure
The economic, health, and social destruction wrought by the pandemic has been considerable, with over half a million U.S. deaths and millions more facing detrimental health consequences. Many parts of the country are also struggling to mitigate steep disparities by race, immigrant status, disability, and more. These challenges underscore the need for even greater investments in government systems, public media, and civic infrastructure.
How can we use this opportunity to build a better civic infrastructure that can meet our modern-day needs for effective and equitable rapid response?
COVID-19 has shown the urgent need for community partnerships and civic infrastructure, in order to ensure vaccine equity and stronger democratic foundations for healthy communities.
Join us on Friday, April 9 for a national strategy convening, on ways that we can collectively build better civic infrastructure—involving government agencies, community organizations, community media, and philanthropy.
This event is hosted by United Philanthropy Forum, in collaboration with Grantmakers In Health, Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation, Media Impact Funders, and the Census Legacies Project led by Center for Social Innovation at UC Riverside.
In preparation for the strategy convening, please fill out this brief survey about any vaccine outreach efforts you are aware of. You will also have the opportunity to nominate the initiative for recognition at our national strategy convening.
Date: Friday, April 9th, 9:00 AM (PST) / 12 PM (EST)
Center for Social Innovation Opportunities Event
Please join us this Friday, June 5th from 12 pm - 1 pm to learn more about how you can get involved in a reserch opportunity with the Center for Social Innovation at UCR! The event will be hosted by CSI staff and will introduce a brief background of the center, its mission, experiences, and opportunities for this summer.
You can learn more about the Center for Social Innovation and its opportunities by visitng
Time: Friday, June 5, 2020 at 12:00 PM (PST)
UCR Counts: Census Champion Training
UCR Counts: Census Champion Training
The UCR Counts! Committee is pleased to continue the opportunity for students, faculty, and staff to learn more about the upcoming 2020 census through a series of Census informational and training sessions. In reponse to COVID-19, census awareness is more critical than ever! Upon completion of a full training, participants will become certified 2020 Census Champions. Each session will cover a multitude of topics regarding the decennial census such as, what it is, what it’s used for, why it’s important, how to fill it out, how your information is protected along with some insight on the historical significance of a complete and accurate count of all people who reside in the United States.
Census Champions will be asked to become ambassadors for UCR Counts Committee and help spread the importance of the Census 2020.
When: Wed, April 8, 2020 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM PDT
Location: Zoom information will be provided upon eventbrite registration.
State of Nonprofits in the Inland Empire Report Release
Join us as we celebrate the release of our State of Nonprofits in the Inland Empire Report on March 31st.
A panel discussion with community experts will dive deeper into the data and challenges related to non profit organizations in the Inland Empire.
When: Tue, March 31, 2020 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Stockton on my Mind: CA Youth Discussion & Watch Party
Join The California Endowment, its President’s Youth Council, and the Center for Social Innovation-UCR for a Pre-Watch Party on Monday, August 24th from 5-8pm and a kickoff panel discussion with local leaders on the recently released HBO documentary Stockton on my Mind
Find the documentary here:
Time: Monday, August 24, 2020 at 5:00 PM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided after you register below.
Rise Up on the Recovery: California Youth Summit Oct 17
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented conversations!
We are six months into the biggest economic catastrophe of our lifetimes, with young people bearing the biggest burdens.
And yet, youth voices are often unseen and unheard. What kind of economic recovery should we be fighting for? And what can we do to make our vision a reality?
Join hundreds of youth from across California for a special summit on Saturday, October 17, where we envision, strategize, and organize to make sure that our economy and our government works for us.
We will be joined by California's Labor Secretary and her team, who will be there to listen and learn, and to ensure that youth voices are a key part of future decisions on the economic recovery.
Time: Saturday, October 17, 2020 at 10:00 AM (PDT)
Advancing Racial Equity in Government: What's Next
The push for racial equity in local government is gathering steam across Southern California—an impressive result that has emerged from the civil rights activism of young and older leaders, the partnership of many government agencies, and the support of many elected officials.
- How did this regional movement get started?
- What does racial equity in local government mean?
- And what kind of benchmarks should we achieve in the coming year and beyond?
Join us for a stakeholder conversation on Thursday, August 20 at 10am via Zoom, where we address these questions and map the work ahead. Community leaders, elected officials, executives and senior managers in government agencies are all welcome.
Time: Thursday, August 20, 2020 at 10:00 AM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link email from Eventbrite after you register.
Inland Empire Census Community Update
Dear community partners,
We are entering a critical time for the Inland Empire as we approach the end of the decennial census. The new self-response deadline is now September 30, urging our community to expedite our outreach efforts. In response, the Inland Empire Complete Count Committee in partnership with the United States Census Bureau is hosting a community update on all things Census!
This webinar will pay special attention to ways that the US Census Bureau, state, and local efforts are adapting on Census enumeration and Census outreach. An accurate count is particularly important to make sure our region gets its fair share of public health dollars, and funding for infrastructure, social programs, and economic development in the coming decade.
Time: Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 3:00 PM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link email from Eventbrite after you register.
Inland Empire Rising: The Case for Timely Investments in Racial Equity and Sustainability
Join us for a webinar featuring a comprehensive new report on the Inland Empire's nonprofit sector. The report, the first of its kind since 2009, shows that nonprofit jobs in the Inland Empire pay significantly more than other private-sector jobs. Inland Empire leads California with the highest share of nonprofit startups since 2010, and the foundation giving to the region has increased dramatically over the last decade. Many charitable organizations have a more significant impact than ever before — by building coalitions, empowering communities, and strengthening their capacity for what the Center for Social Innovation calls "data, narrative, and action: DNA."
What has COVID-19 meant for nonprofit startups? And what does racial equity look like in a region that is approaching 70 percent of people of color? Join us for a timely and essential conversation on the Inland Empire's place in the future of Southern California.
Time: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 at 11:00 AM (PDT)
Equitable and Sustainable Recovery and Growth for Inland California: Next Steps for Philanthropy
Over the past few months, the COVID-19 pandemic and recent events surrounding the murder of George Floyd have further exposed the substantial and pre-existing health, racial, economic, and regional disparities across our state. The current moment's challenges underscore the critical importance of maintaining our focus on driving more significant equity and inclusion throughout our state – particularly as we enter the crucial stages of economic and social recovery and rebuilding.
Join Philanthropy California, the Governor's Office, the Center for Social Innovation at UC Riverside, and the Sierra Health Foundation, to discuss and reimagine an inclusive and equitable recovery and growth in Inland California.
Time: Thursday, July 2, 2020 at 10:00 AM (PDT)
Inland Empire Learning Session: The Power of Social Enterprise (201)
There is a significant movement underway in Southern California, where employers, government agencies, and funders are creating job opportunities that put community members on a meaningful path to improve their lives. Some of these members have served time in prison, others face developmental disabilities, and others are youth from neighborhoods that many have given up on.
This is the power of social enterprise! To bring a business mindset and business partnerships to produce social impact—that lifts up the most disadvantaged among us, and strengthens our community and economy in the process.
Time: Monday, June 29, 2020 at 12:00 PM (PST)
For questions about accessibility or to request an accommodation, please contact us at (951) 827-3523 or Requests should be made at least one week prior to the event so the university has sufficient time to arrange reasonable accommodations.
Census 2020: Jobs Information Session
The 2020 Census is right around the corner! Outreach efforts are ramping up as we grow closer and closer to Census day. Come learn about employment opportunities with the U.S. Census Bureau. This interactive session will help those interested in joining the U.S. Census Bureau learn about current opportunities being offered and how to submit a competitive application. Please R.S.V.P. to join us for this event and learn how you could participate in ensuring we achieve a complete count.
Location: CHASS Interdisciplinary South 1113
When: Friday, October 25, 2019 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
State of Women in the Inland Empire
The Center for Social Innovation, our center partners, and community leaders celebrated the release of the 'State of Women in the Inland Empire' report. This is the first comprehensive report focused on women in our region. We invite you to learn more about the lives, opportunities, and struggles of women in the Inland Empire. A lively panel discussion will dive deeper into issues including equal pay, political representation, and women’s healthcare. The report highlights these needs, but also lifts up possible policy solutions and local opportunities to address them.
Location: CHASS Interdisciplinary South 1113
When: Wed, Oct 30, 2019 1:00 PM
UndocuElders Community Forum
An exciting and educational forum on the health of undocumented elders. This community forum is centered around the release of, "The Health Needs of Undocumented Older Adults" policy brief. This study is a collaborative effort between the California Immigrant Youth Justice Alliance, Center for Social Innovation at UC Riverside, Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice, and Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Collective.
Location: This event took place at the Alumni Center
When: Mon, Nov 18, 2019 1:00 PM
Capitalizing on Opportunity Zones
The Center for Social Innovation at the University of California, Riverside, welcomed key local stakeholders to discuss the potentials of our local Opportunity Zones. Speakers from the Milken Institute, Accelerator for America, and both Riverside & San Bernardino counties will be presenting at this event for a deeper discussion on what benefits Opportunity Zones provide and how they can serve as a tool for regional development and social mobility.
Location: South CHASS Interdisciplinary (INTS) Building - Room 1113
When: Tue, Nov 19, 2019 1:00 PM
Census 2020 in the IE: Get Informed and Get Involved
"What is happening with 2020 Census outreach? And how can I get involved and make a difference?" You may be asking yourself these questions, as you hear news stories about the risks of a possible undercount in our region, and the millions of community dollars at stake.Join us at an important regional briefing to kick off 2020, with updates from the Counties of Riverside and San Bernardino, Inland Empire Community Foundation, Inland Empowerment.
Location: UCR Alumni Center
When: Thu, January 23, 2020 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM PST
Policy Summit: Taking the “High Road” on Labor and Environment
This first-ever summit brought together key stakeholders from Labor, Industry, Community, Government, and Philanthropy—from Los Angeles County as well as the Inland Empire—to make progress on key questions involving high-quality jobs and environmental sustainability.
Location: University of California, Riverside, Extension University Village 1103
When: Wed, March 11, 2020 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM PDT
Housing & Community Engagement Toolkit Launch
Join us on Friday, February 19th to unveil the Housing and Community Engagement Toolkit. The toolkit aims to provide resources and ideas for municipalities and community partners to improve their community engagement work given constrained local government resources. This toolkit is especially timely given the housing element updates underway across the state.
Community engagement is an integral part of the planning process, improving bi-directional communication, increasing community satisfaction, and strengthening public trust in government agencies. It also plays a key role in uplifting the voices of community members, enabling them to provide their expertise and leverage their lived experiences.
- COVID-19 poses a significant barrier for people to participate during the current housing element updates. What can we learn and how can we innovate under these circumstances?
- This will be an open conversation to think together as a community of opportunities to build new relationships and inclusive systems that promote equity.
- We also hope that this toolkit can learn from the engagement currently taking place around Southern California.
Date: Friday, February 19th, 2021 at 10:00AM - 11:30AM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link email from Eventbrite after you register.
Black Education Agenda Report Release
Join us on Thursday, February 18th for The Inland Empire Black Education Agenda report release event! This report utilizes a mixed-methods approach to better understand the educational experiences of Black students and their parents in the Inland Empire.
Major findings include the top priorities of Black students, preschool through college: ranging from academic success to graduation rates. The report also outlines real steps that must be taken to move towards equity in education in the Inland Empire for both institutions and community.
The event will include a discussion from the report's authors and a Q & A session from the audience.
BLU Educational Foundation and its partners, IE-Black Equity Initiative and UCR Center for Social Innovation, look forward to sharing this important work with educational institutions and the community.
Date: Thursday, February 18th, 2021 at 11:30 AM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link email from Eventbrite after you register.
Can Local Media Restore Trust and Destroy Disinformation?
Social media polarizes us. Political propaganda deluges us. And misinformation and disinformation seem to spread as quickly as COVID-19. So where can we go to find stories, analysis, and messengers we can trust? Scholars say that high-quality, fact-based local news organizations—based in our own communities and staffed by diverse and responsible journalists who are also our neighbors—can inoculate us against the toxicity that inundates us via screen, airwave, and print. But such local media are dying; more than a quarter of the country’s newspapers have closed in this century, and thousands of communities no longer have their own news outlets. So how can local, community-based information messengers be made viable again—and how do we know that they are committed to being part of the solution rather than contributing to the problem? What strategies and institutions are already working to restore the trust in information, and in one another, that provides the foundation of a healthy civil society?
Time: Friday, January 22, 2021 at 12:00 PM (PDT)
Location: Meeting information will be provided by an automatic digital link after you register.
Housing & Community Engagement Toolkit Briefing
Join us on Wednesday, January 13th for a toolkit briefing on housing and community engagement. All too often community engagement is done in a way that is not truly inclusive, leaving certain marginalized community members and groups out.
Community engagement is an integral part of the planning process, helping planners improve bi-directional communication, increase satisfaction, and strengthen public trust in government agencies. It also plays a key role in uplifting the voices of community members, helping to provide an opportunity for even the most marginalized to provide their input and lived expertise.
This toolkit aims to provide resources and ideas for municipalities, but also to provide community-based organizations with background information so they can better integrate their advocacy work.
Date: Wednesday, January 13th, 2021, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (PDT)
Location: Zoom link will be sent 2 days prior to the event
Census Legacies National Launch
Organizing and outreach on the 2020 Census has built a tremendous amount of social capital, policy expertise, and local area expertise in regions across the country. Importantly, these efforts have unified regions in various respects—across racial and geographic lines, and across sectors by building deeper relationships and partnerships involving experts in community, government, business, academia, and philanthropy.
Instead of disbanding these collaboratives, some places are thinking ahead and finding ways to deploy them to address pressing community needs ranging from redistricting to inclusive regional planning and equitable community development.
Time: Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 10:00 AM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link email from Eventbrite after you register.
Inland Empire Census Celebration
Dear community partners,
The 2020 decennial Census has official wrapped up and it is now time to reflect and celebrate the accomplishments that were achieved during this joint effort. We are grateful for all who participated including funders, nonprofits, businesses, government agencies, and education partners from the Inland Empire. There's no doubt that this was a challenging yet rewarding effort and for that we wish to celebrate the completion of this historical milestone.
Please join us on Thursday, November 19th from 3 pm - 5 pm for a virtual celebratation! This event will be attended by several people who made it possible and will be full of remarks from partners, reflections on the official count, recognitions of outstanding partners, and breakout sessions to share stories and the impact this has had on our community.
Time: Thursday, November 19, 2020 at 3:00 PM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link email from Eventbrite after you register.
San Bernardino County NPO Technical Assistance - Racial Equity Institute
The Center for Social Innovation at UC Riverside will provide nonprofit organizations tools to thrive in the midst of challenges presented by COVID-19 and the quest to center racial equity for the region. San Bernardino County made a big step forward by becoming the first in California to declare racism a public health crisis, and this move highlights the importance for Riverside nonprofit organizations to center racial equity initiatives. The Racial Equity Institute will provide nonprofit professionals with resources and tools that elevate their work and cultivate their leadership potential.
Time: Monday, November 16, 2020 at 12:00 PM (PDT)
Location: Zoom information will be provided by an automatic digital link email from Eventbrite after you register.
The Future of Progressive Federalism in a Polarized Era
Much of the intellectual bandwidth on progressive policy is currently preoccupied with dreams of court packing and eliminating the Senate filibuster. These national developments may indeed come to pass.
Nevertheless, states remain essential for the advancement of civil rights, immigrant rights, worker rights, and environmental protection. Not only are they essential to ensure successful implementation of federal policy, power-building and policy change at the state level is often a pre-requisite to building Congressional coalitions for successful legislation.
Join us for a timely conversation, moderated by Professor Janelle Wong at the University of Marland, and nationally renowned scholars of federalism and citizenship rights.
Time: Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 12:00 PM (PST)
Note: This webinar will be broadcast live via CSI's Facebook page and YouTube channel.
Those who register via Eventbrite will receive reminders and be notified of future events related to progressive federalism.
Are States Better at Protecting Human Rights Than the U.S. Government?
The conventional American narrative since the civil rights era has been that states tend to violate our rights, and the federal government intervenes to protect people. But much of American history runs the other way, offering numerous examples of states acting to protect the rights of their people—notably Indigenous peoples, African Americans escaping slavery, and undocumented immigrants—from federal authorities. What’s more, state constitutions, which are relatively easy to amend, typically grant citizens far more rights than the much more difficult-to-amend U.S. Constitution. Are our state capitals better suited than Washington, D.C., to defend our freedoms? What will happen if a more conservative U.S. Supreme Court majority turns more debates over rights into questions for individual states? Do today’s bitter disputes over election and voter suppression at the state level suggest that it’s time to revisit the Voting Rights Act of 1965—or finally add the right to vote to the U.S. Constitution?
Time: Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 1:00 PM (PDT)
Location: Zoom