Center for Social Innovation

State of Inland Empire Empire Series
A series of reports about the Inland Empire region of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, which boasts a population of over 4.5 million residents. Future reports will include the State of Nonprofits, State of Civic Engagement and State of Health in the I.E.
Civic Engagement and Population Health Compendium
The Civic Engagement and Population Health Compendium is a concise collection of research and materials on civic engagement and population health including: key concepts, indicators, and datasets related to civic engagement, broadly and comprehensively defined, and measured at the individual and group level, and across varied geographic scales.
Inland Empire Black Education Agenda: An Agenda for Black Education Excellence
The Inland Empire Black Education Agenda report is a collaborative effort led by BLU Educational Foundation, in partnership with the Center for Social Innovation at the University of California, Riverside and the Inland Empire Black Equity Initiative. This report uses a mixed methods approach with quantitative data analysis and in-depth qualitative interviews with Black students and their parents/guardians in the Inland Empire.
The State of Community & Ethnic Media in California: Impact, Resources, and Opportunities
Ethnic media plays a pivotal role in sustaining the fabric of democratic life in multicultural California, informing and engaging its many minority communities. The hundreds of outlets, however, remain largely invisible and marginalized, a “giant hidden in plain sight.”
This report combines findings from an original survey of 106 ethnic media outlets in California and 19 in-depth interviews. It documents the current landscape of the state’s ethnic media, their diversity, challenges, and impact, with a focus on gaps in government investment.
Reaching Low Propensity Voters
In partnership with California Common Cause and a community advisory group composed of non-profit organizations conducting civic engagement and GOTV work in a diverse set of California communities, the Center for Social Innovation (CSI-UCR) at University of California, Riverside designed and implemented an accelerated focus group research project to probe awareness of voting options, voting option preferences, and reactions to existing voter messaging materials.
Philanthropic case for Inland CA
In spring 2020, Governor Newsom’s office and regional partners held seven virtual listening sessions across the Central Valley and Inland Empire with the crucial community and nonprofit stakeholders. The goals of these convenings were to engage with local voices and hear from community leaders about the needs and opportunities for investment in inland California, with particular sensitivity to how COVID-19 and recent events have exposed underlying challenges.
On July 2, the Center for Social Innovation and its research, government, and community partners presented findings and lifted up examples of powerful work happening in the Central Valley and Inland Empire.
The Health Needs of Undocumented Older Adults: A View on Health Status, Access to Care, and Barriers
The study, UndocuElders in the IE, aimed to shed light on the experiences of undocumented older adults’ health status and process of accessing care. In-depth semi-structured interviews were used to facilitate dialogue with undocumented older adults (N=30) ages 55-63 (M=61.67, SD=5.50). Most of the participants were Mexican (n=26, 87%) and had lived in the U.S. on average 21 years (SD=8.78) (Download the report below for the full executive summary)
California’s Voter Choice Act
This brief, coauthored with the California Civic Engagement Project is based on the findings of an extensive study of the five counties that adopted the VCA in 2018, and with the goal of informing VCA implementation in 2020 and beyond. This brief focuses on two questions: 1) How do election officials define a successful implementation of the VCA?, and 2) Which factors should county election officials consider when deciding to adopt the VCA?
Census 2020
A collection of resources about the 2020 Census, including the Census Landscape Survey, Census Stakeholder Survey, I.E. Census Funded Report. As well as our Census regional partners: Census IE, IE Counts and UCR Counts.