Center for Social Innovation

Inland Empire Research
IE COVID Data and Research
State of Nonprofits in the Inland Empire April 2020 report that provides an important update on the state of the nonprofit sector since the last comprehensive report for the region in 2009. Includes a two-page feature on COVID-19 effects on nonprofits and the communities serving them, and recommendations on investment for our post-COVID future.
IE COVID Monitor Map
COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the novel coronavirus. This new virus and disease were unknown to the population before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. This page provides information, maps and resources about the coronavirus response in our local area.
Inland Empire Black Education Agenda: An Agenda for Black Excellence
The Inland Empire Black Education Agenda report is a collaborative effort led by BLU Educational Foundation, in partnership with the Center for Social Innovation at the University of California, Riverside and the Inland Empire Black Equity Initiative. This report uses a mixed methods approach with quantitative data analysis and in-depth qualitative interviews with Black students and their parents/guardians in the Inland Empire.
Inland Empire Initiative Map
This initiative map builds on the map produced by the Center for Social Innovation (CSI-UCR), Inland Empire Community Foundation, and Inland Empire Economic Partnership (IEEP) in advance of the September 2019 Regions Rise Together summit in San Bernardino, which mapped out a series of initiatives advancing collective work in the region under six key themes. This was the first time the region had taken a "step back," to take stock of the various civic and economic developments underway and to classify them in a manner that is useful for internal and external audiences alike.