Center for Social Innovation

California Research
Census 2020
This effort contains several surveys such as the Census Landscape survey which seeks to provide a landscape of organizations and capacity for the purpose of Census Outreach. Also, the Census regional partners are campaigns at UCR and in the Inland Empire which aim to bring together leaders from different sectors to coordinate efforts and bring awareness of the Census. The purpose of the Census Landscape map is to see non-profit organization’s capacity for Census 2020 outreach work within each of the 7 subregions in the Inland Empire. The Capacity Report compiles and summarizes information collected from the Census Landscape survey to report organizational capacity for each subregion in the Inland Empire.
California Voter's Choice Act
This brief, coauthored with the California Civic Engagement Project is based on the findings of an extensive study of the five counties that adopted the VCA in 2018, and with the goal of informing VCA implementation in 2020 and beyond. This brief focuses on two questions: 1) How do election officials define a successful implementation of the VCA?, and 2) Which factors should county election officials consider when deciding to adopt the VCA?
The Philanthropic Case for Inland California
The insights in this presentation are based on 7 listening sessions with over 100 nonprofits and 55 residents across the Inland Empire and Central Valley – including sessions held in Hmong, Spanish, and Punjabi; new and existing surveys of nonprofits (370 combined respondents); literature and data reviews; and input and feedback on findings and recommendations in consultation with cross-sector partners and community stakeholders.
State of Community and Ethnic Media in California
This report combines findings from an original survey of 106 ethnic media outlets in California and 19 in-depth interviews. It documents the current landscape of the state’s ethnic media, their diversity, challenges, and impact, with a focus on gaps in government investment.The work of ethnic media documented in this study harkens back to a long history of advocacy, identity formation, and community organizing by outlets serving the nation’s BIPOC communities. Especially in the face of today’s unprecedented, sweeping crises in public health and racial justice, the work of ethnic media must be viewed through the lens of self-representation and empowerment.
Reaching Low Propensity Voters
In partnership with California Common Cause and a community advisory group composed of non-profit organizations conducting civic engagement and GOTV work in a diverse set of California communities, the Center for Social Innovation (CSI-UCR) at the University of California, Riverside designed and implemented an accelerated focus group research project to probe awareness of voting options, voting option preferences, and reactions to existing voter messaging materials. First, we want to gauge the extent to which first-time and low-propensity voters may need targeted outreach to explain the options for voting in the November 2020 elections and develop insights into how best to reach them. In addition, we want to share the findings we collect with state and local election officials charged with crafting voter outreach and informational materials to be distributed in the summer and fall of 2020. Finally, we want to provide California’s nonprofit civic engagement and GOTV sector with helpful guidance and voter messaging tips.