Center for Social Innovation

National Research
What's Next on Census Engagement: Learning from the Minnesota Model
There are a slew of organizations at the national level that organize around the work of the U.S. Census Bureau.
This work is also essential at the state level, but state efforts are comparatively rare. Until recently, the only significant evergreen statewide effort on the ACS and decennial Census was MACS (Minnesotans for the American Community Survey). MACS was one of many partners that helped the State of Minnesota keep all eight of its Congressional seats by a very narrow margin, a Minnesota count of just 26 people. This policy victory demonstrates the importance of collective efforts that organize years in advance of the decennial census, with well–designed education and engagement strategies and partnerships with other state, local, and national organizations.
To dig deeper into the MACS model and to better understand how certain features from this model may be replicated in other states or regions, CSI-UCR conducted a case study of MACS, to better document its origins and evolution over time. Through in-depth interviews and an analysis of secondary sources, this case study breaks down the key features of the MACS model, the key strategies that were employed, the origins and key accomplishments of MACS, and concludes with important recommendations and next steps.
The Health Needs of Undocumented Older Adults: A View on Health Status, Access to Care, and Barriers
An estimated 3 million undocumented immigrants reside in the state of California. Undocumented older adults do not qualify for public benefits, including health care, even though many pay taxes. Health for All aims to provide comprehensive, affordable, and accessible care by expanding coverage to undocumented adults whose incomes are at or below 138% of the federal poverty level. If coverage was expanded to include adults regardless of immigration status, it is estimated that 25,000 older adults (65+) would qualify for full scope Medi-Cal. This report focuses on Latinxs who represent approximately 70% of the undocumented population.
Toolkit for Housing & Community Engagement: Innovating for 2021 & Beyond
In response to conversations around the most recent housing update, this toolkit is the result of discussions around community engagement, governmental policies, and how both can help address longstanding inequities. It builds on the existing expertise of planners, community advocates, and planning agencies, providing concrete examples of innovative methods that can deepen public engagement and tap into the planning profession’s desire for greater equity and sustainability.
Civic Engagement and Population Health Compendium
The Civic Engagement and Population Health Compendium is a concise collection of research and materials on civic engagement and population health including: key concepts, indicators, and datasets related to civic engagement, broadly and comprehensively defined, and measured at the individual and group level, and across varied geographic scales.