Center for Social Innovation

IE Nonprofit Fellowship
IE Nonprofit Fellowship Program
Our Nonprofit Fellowship Program is designed to identify emerging leaders among recent college graduates, and to enable nonprofits to benefit from their talent by exploring innovative expansions to their programs.
The fellowship is an opportunity for recent graduates to prepare for full-time employment in the nonprofit sector and to get hands-on experience working for a nonprofit addressing aspects such as: demographic or policy research; service provision and implementation; community organizing and engagement; event management; grant writing; volunteer coordination; financial administration; and media/communications.
Being a Fellow is an applied academic endeavor, with the ultimate intent to become gainfully employed by the host organization or by another organization within a related field. The academic component involves monthly workshops involving social innovation and nonprofit management.
Fellows benefit from: 1) placement at a nonprofit organization, 2) a financial stipend, 3) engagement with each other and with the Center for Social Innovation’s nonprofit development workshops, and 4) wider exposure from the Center for Social Innovation and its partners.
Nonprofits also benefit from having a skilled recent graduate who can help elevate existing work or support a new project or program.
The Inland Empire Immigrant Youth Coalition (IEIYC) is an undocumented youth-led grassroots organization in the Inland Empire. We are committed to creating a safe space for immigrant youth regardless of legal status, race, gender, sexuality, educational background or other intersections that are crucial to the undocumented identity. We aim to achieve equal access to higher education and justice for our immigrant community by empowering those who are most affected.
The IE-IYC empowers immigrant youth to advance immigrants rights through policy advocacy and conduct direct actions to hold the immigration system accountable for its abuses. We focus on leadership development, community outreach, campaign development, coalition building, and communications to reach our goals. We believe in shifting the DREAMer narrative, calling for an end to detention and deportation, and advancing policies that expand access for immigrants.
The Inland Coalition for Immigrant Justice, is composed of 35 organizations that serve the immigrant community in the Inland Empire. The IC4IJ currently focuses on advocacy, changing the narrative, and capacity building. Our coalition engages in policy advocacy, community organizing and education, and rapid response to ICE and border patrol operations. We are collectively changing the narrative of the one million immigrants who live, thrive, and are a foundational part of the fabric of the IE. We are building organizational capacity through leadership development, cooperation, support networks, and shared regional strategies. Lastly, the IC4IJ provides resources such as training, technical support, and grants to coalition partners to further support their efforts and mission in the region.
The Youth Mentoring Action Network was founded in 2007 with the mission of leveraging the power of mentoring to create a more equitable and just society for young people. Founded by two veteran educators who understood the importance of making solid connections with young people, they recognized that young people were at their best when their voices were heard and they felt fully supported.
With those foundational elements in place, the youth they mentored thrived: graduating from high school on time, going off to college, and staying in college once they got there. 100% of our young people have graduated from high school on time with 99% continuing to college. 100% of those who go to college stay in college until graduation. Since 2007, YMAN has been fostering connections with young people in order to help them thrive through in high school, college and community.
The mission of the Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice is to bring people together to improve our social and natural environment. We do this by developing indigenous leadership, community organizing through strategic campaigns and building a base of community power.
The Center for Community Action and Environmental Justice (CCAEJ) is a progressive, base-building, non-profit organization bringing communities together to find opportunities for cooperation, agreement and problem solving in improving their social and natural environment. Using the lens of environmental health to achieve social change, we work within communities to develop and sustain democratically based, participatory decision-making that promotes involvement of a diverse segment of the community in ways that empower the community.