Asian Diaspora Considers Their Identities

By Staff Writer, India Currents |
California –

The start of the 2020 census has brought together folks from the Asian American, such as representatives of Nepalese, Burmese, Bhutanese and Mongolian immigrants, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities to join forces with census officials and community organizers to ensure a complete count of the fastest growing sector of Asian immigrants to California over the last decade. 

This article mentions AAPI Data and UC Riverside’s Center for Social Innovation’s Director, Karthick Ramakrishnan: “In 2012, the Nepali Association of Northern California tried to collect census-type data on its own, the association’s former director Prem Pariyar said. But fear got the best of the community and the effort failed. Meanwhile, the community kept growing ( – by some 222% between 2010-2016, according to data compiled by Karthick Ramakrishnan of U.C. Riverside’s Center for Social Innovation.” 

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