Indian-Americans: Wealthiest Immigrant Group in US With An Increasingly Formidable Political Voice

By Santosh Chaubey |

Why are Indian-Americans, just 0.82% of the total American voter base of over 240 million or just 1.9 million registered as voters and just 1% of the total US population, are seen as a rising political force with a formidable voice?

Why has Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden pushed to release a statement in support of Indian-Americans and India?

Why does President Donald Trump say America loves India and spends a large amount of money to appeal to the Indian-American voters to vote for him, according to a report by ‘Politico’, an American political journalism outfit?

We can call it a mix of many factors, the need for India and US to come together due to the global geopolitical factors that reflects in US policies and statements of its leaders as well as the highly skilled Indian immigrant population in the US that is not only the wealthiest but is also becoming politically more proactive with Kamala Harris, a person of Indian origin as vice-presidential nominee.