California Politics: Who wants to fix recall elections?

By John Myers, Los Angeles Times |

Over the course of several elections in the mid-20th century, California voters were persuaded to make constitutional changes through omnibus proposals placed on the statewide ballot — nips and tucks to modernize the state’s governing blueprint.

Could that happen again when it comes to the recall?

Witnesses at the two hearings urged caution about any effort to craft a single, multilayered proposal to revise California’s recall rules, warning that varying degrees of support for individual provisions could doom the entire effort.

Several recall-related ballot measures would “give more opportunities for voters to deliberate and decide,” UC Riverside Professor Karthick Ramakrishnan told members of the Little Hoover Commission. “So they may decide that they like, say, two or three out of five provisions.”

During the legislative hearing, there was little if any bipartisan agreement on changing the process, with Republicans arguing that because so few efforts over the past 110 years have made it to the ballot, there hasn’t been a tidal wave of unwarranted recalls.