Center for Social Innovation
Karthick Ramakrishnan, a co-founder of AAPI data, observed that the survey data rebuts the perception, fueled by the Model Minority myth, that Asian American issues are less important because they are more successful than average, or that they tend to be less politically involved.
“What our data over the years consistently has shown are that Asian Americans are actually racially progressive and they support, for example, criminal justice reform, they support greater civil rights for Black people,” he said. “So this notion that somehow there’s this kind of divide and conquer dynamic that is not only alive and well, but dominant in our communities—the data, consistently over the years, do not show that.”
Though Ramakrishnan clarifies that a minority of voters may support those issues, he adds that, “generally speaking, we don’t see Asian Americans as wedge issue voters. Even something like affirmative action does not rise to be a very important issue when it comes to vote choice.”