Staying the Course: Poll Finds Indian Americans Most Likely to Favor the Democrats in Midterm Elections

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Nearly 70 percent of Indian American voters have the deepest loyalty to the Democratic Party and are more likely to favor those candidates in the November elections, a new survey has revealed.

Conducted by Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote), AAPI Data and Asian Americans Advancing Justice, the ‘2022 Asian American Voter Survey’ aims to highlight the AAPI community’s voting choice, policy priorities and views.

One of the key findings of the survey was the enthusiasm and willingness among the Asian American community to vote (84 percent.) However, less than half have been contacted by either of the major parties, said the survey released on July 25. Fifty-two percent of Asian Americans said they had not been contacted at all by the Democratic Party in the past year, and 60 percent of Asian Americans said they had not been contacted at all by the Republican Party in the past year. The survey notes that both parties have a lot of ground to gain with this voting bloc, which is growing in political clout.

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